About Pryme

What Pryme Represents
True satisfaction does not come from just a great result, it comes from putting in the work.
We're all about the work.
There's something to be said about getting the job done with your own two hands. Sure the end result is nice to stand back and admire, but pure satisfaction comes from pouring your heart and soul into your work.
Pryme is here to help you get a great result, but our mission is to make your hard work a bit easier and more enjoyable. Whether it's an abrasive wheel or a custom part, every product is built with a purpose and built to transform.
We stand for American values. The American dream is something we hold close. To us, this means having a grand vision, putting in the work to get there, and offering a hand to others on the same journey.

How We Got Here
Hi there! I'm Cameron Niemela and I'm the dude behind Pryme. This is very much a passion project of mine, and you'll notice a personal touch on nearly everything Pryme. From the website design to the handwritten thank you letters with orders, I have my hands in everything.
Pryme originated from my drive to find the best product for each situation. The very first product was the fine cleaning wheel. It all started from my dad, Ken. He would bring home leftover abrasive wheels from his work as a machinist. I can still remember the first time I tried one. I was amazed at how quickly it shined up the engine covers on my CR125, but that soon turned to disappointment as the wheel wore down and disintegrated in a few minutes. "If only I could get these wheels to last longer", I'd think as I burned through another wheel. Once I ran out of wheels, I began looking for manufacturers who could create a wheel that was stronger but still gave that awesome finish we all love. Wheel by wheel, I tested them all until I came across the perfect combination.
Years later I continue to seek out the absolute best products, simply because I love it. It's hard to top the feeling of perfecting a product that solves problems.

Why the name Pryme?
Think of prime rib, or prime real estate. There's nothing better than the best. The "Y" in Pryme represents my why, or reason behind me starting Pryme. I love solving problems and creating the perfect product for each application.
The Pryme logo is a resemblance of holding up your fingers as if to say "perfect." It's the sign everyone makes when they dive into prime rib, or when they see the results of a Pryme product.
Helpful Resources

Not sure what Pryme wheel you need?
Check out the wheel guide to help you choose the best wheel for your application.
Wheel GuideBuffing Tips
For tips on how to use the Pryme wheels most effectively, refer to the buffing tips page.
Buffing TipsMachine Guide
For more info on what machines/tools to use the Pryme wheels on, use the machine guide.
Machine Guide